The city was officially founded on 10 May 1947 and currently has a population of 406,693 inhabitants (IBGE/2017).
Maringá is a city with a diverse economy, with an entrepreneurial spirit, acting intensively in the development and maintenance of the city’s quality of life. The city has an innovative idea of urbanization; it has an intense urban forestation, with one tree per capita and a common green area of 55m² per inhabitant.
Maringá is always present in lists of Brazilian cities worthy of visiting. The significant presence of natural life and its many attractions were officially acknowledged by EMBRATUR (Brazilian Tourism Agency) in November 1997, when the city was recognized as a tourist destination.
National and Municipal Holidays
1st - New Year’s Day FEBRUARY 5th - Carnival MARCH 21st - Good Friday (Passion of Christ) APRIL 21st - Tiradentes MAY 1st - Labor Day 22nd - Corpus Christi SEPTEMBER 7th - Brazilian Independence Day OCTOBER 12th - Brazilian Patroness Day (Our Lady of Aparecida) NOVEMBER 2nd - All Souls’ Day 15th - Brazilian Proclamation of the Republic DECEMBER 25th - Christmas
MUNICIPAL HOLIDAYS MAY 10th - Maringá Anniversary AUGUST 15th - Maringá Patroness Day |