Sandwich Doctorate - Institut für Pharmazeutische Biologie und Phytochemie (Westfalische Wilhelms Universität Münster)
In March 2018 three PhD students from Palafito Laboratory started their sandwich doctorate activities at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology and Phytochemistry of the University of Münster, Germany (IPBP).
The students Fernanda Pilatti da Silva, Mariana Nascimento de Paula and Raquel Garcia Isolani are doing their work in the institute under the guidance of prof. dr. Andreas Hensel.
Last Monday (May 28) the graduate students gave a presentation at the "Mitarbeiterseminare", a weekly seminar held at the institute where the students present the results of the research conducted for the purpose of further discussion about the work.
The themes presented at the seminar consisted of the presentation of the city of Maringá, the State University of Maringá and the Palafito Pharmaceutical Biology Laboratory, as well as the doctoral projects to be held in Münster for students, doctors and collaborators.