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2015 - Letícia Maria Krzyzaniak

MSc. Thesis

Author: Letícia Maria Krzyzaniak

Postgraduate Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences - State University of Maringá

Area of Knowledge: Pharmacognosy

Date of Defense: june 26, 2015

Advisor: Prof. Dr.  João Carlos Palazzo de Mello

Examination Board:  Prof. Dr. Admilton Gonçalves de Oliveira Junior

                            Prof. Dra. Claudenice Francisca Providelo Sartor


Title: Chemical study and larvicidal activity of Tagetes patula L. flowers

Abstract: Tagetes patula L. (Asteraceae) is traditionally known as “cravo-francês”, “cravo-de-defunto” or “botões-de-solteirão”. Ethnomedicine the flowers and leaves have been used as an antiseptic, diuretic, depurative, and insect repellent. The aim of this study was the isolation and structural identification of compounds present in semipurified fraction of n-butanol (BF), obtained from the extract of T. patula flowers. Also, it was evaluated the larvicidal activity of acetone extract degreased (CE) and growing forward polarity fractions to the vector Aedes aegypti. From the CE of flowers of T. patula, were obtained five semi-purified fractions: hexane (HF), dichloromethane (DF), ethyl-acetate (EAF), n-butanol (BF), and water (AQF). The BF fraction was fractionated by reverse phase chromatography polyamide, yielding 34 subfractions. These subfractions were subjected to high-speed counter-current chromatography of which were isolated and identified by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) 1D (1H and 13C) the flavonoids: patuletin and patuletin-7-O-β-glucoside (patulitrin). The profile of the CE, BF and EAF were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. The peaks were identified as patuletin and patulitrin adding patterns and the UV spectrum/DAD. The majority compound in the EAF is patuletin and in the BF is patulitrin. This work has also been developed a profile BF by means of capillary electrophoresis, adding patterns patuletin and patulitrin, and it was demonstrated patulitrin as being the majority compound. The capillary electrophoresis analysis showed some advantages to high-performance liquid chromatography, as analysis time, amount of solvents used, and not use organic solvents. The results of larvicidal activity EAF showed the greatest potential to continue forward studies A. aegypti.

Keywords: Tagetes patula, chromatographic methods, capillary electrophoresis, flavonoids, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, dengue, Aedes aegypti.


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