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Foreign Students

Notice 008/2018-PCE

Registrations will be accepted from 07/09 to 08/15/2018. Up to two vacancies for Masters or Doctorate students will be available.

The selection will be performed through the following documents:

- registration sheet;

- school record or equivalent document that contains undergraduation or master’s grades;

- copy of Undergraduate and/or Master’s Degree Diploma in Economics or likely date of defense;

- documented curriculum;

- recommendation letter;

- motivation letter;

- Proficiency in the Portuguese language;

- dissertation or thesis project in Portuguese.


The documents can be sent by mail (UEM/PCE – Av. Colombo, 5790 – 87020-900 – Maringá – PR) or e-mail ( or

The project and the curriculum will be considered in the analysis.

            Final results are available until 09/06/2018.

            Classes are predicted to start at February/2019.


OBS.:  PCE does not commit to offering scholarship to foreign students.


- After disclosing the selected candidates, it is required to present for registration the following documents:
1. Authenticated copy of passport (with picture and student’s visa stamp).
2. Authenticated copy of International Health Insurance.
3. 2 3x4 pictures.
4. Autehnticated copy of Birth or Marriage Certificate

5. Autehnticated copy of Undergraduation Diploma in Economic Sciences verified by Embassy/Consulate.
6. Authenticated Copy of School Record from Undergraduation Course in Economic Sciences.
7. Authenticated Copy of Portuguese Language knowledge certificate.

« March 2025 »