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Creation Course

The course of Agronomy was established in June 10, 1977, serving repeated appeals and protests from the local community and throughout the region, whose economy is heavily based on agriculture.
Enrolled in the course, in those 26 years, about 2523 students, pasting grade 36 classes with a total of 1,827 agricultural engineers, who are working on extension activities, services, administration, teaching and research in state enterprises, cooperatives, farms , farms, rural settlements, industries, banks, multinationals, technical schools, colleges, universities, research institutions, etc.. It currently has a student body of 405 students around.
Incumbent upon agronomist performance of activities related to engineering rural buildings for rural and its complementary facilities, irrigation and drainage for agriculture, animal husbandry and crop science; animal and plant breeding; renewable natural resources, ecology, Agrometeorology; health protection; chemical agricultural, food, technology processing (sugar, starches, oils, dairy, wine and spirits); processing and conservation of animal and plant products; zimotecnia; agriculture; edaphology; fertilizers and soil; culture process and use of land; microbiology agriculture; biometrics, parks and gardens; mechanization in agriculture, agricultural implements; animal nutrition; agrostology; bromatology and rations; rural economy and rural credit; their services related correlates.