2005 - Maria Inez de Godoy Pelozo
MSc. Thesis
Author: Maria Inez de Godoy Pelozo
Postgraduate Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences - State University of Maringá
Area of Knowledge: Pharmacognosy
Date of Defense: July 03, 2005
Advisor: Prof. Dr. João Carlos Palazzo de Mello
Examination Board: Prof. Dr. Pedro Ros Petrovick
Prof. Dra. Marli Miriam de Souza Lima
Title: Development and technological characterization of extracts and of the granulated of Paullinia cupana H.B.K.var. sorbilis (Mart.) Ducke (Guaraná)
Abstract: Seeds from Paullinia cupana var. sorbilis (guaraná), a plant native to Amazonia, are popularly used as a brain-function stimulant, aphrodisiac, tonic, diuretic, and sedative, among others. Chemical and physic-chemical analyses demonstrated the presence of caffeine, theobromine, theophyline, condensed tannins (flavan-3-ol and procyanidins), saponins, fats, resin, sugars, minerals, fixed and essential oils in these seeds. Analytical techniques were standardized to control the quality of the crude (EBPC), semi-purified (EPA), and granular (GRA) extracts obtained from dried and crushed guaraná seeds (DV). The quantitative analytical method used to determine the total contents of methylxanthines and polyphenols showed linearity, specificity, sensitivity, accuracy and precision. The plant drug (DV) satisfied the requirements established by the Brazilian Pharmacopeia. The yields from the EBPC and the EPA were 14.86 % and 5.83 % respectively. The contents of the extracts and the dry residue were 26,83 % ± 0.96 and 23.71% ± 1.38 respectively. The total tannin contents were 4.42 % ± 0.10 for the DV, 17.17 % ± 0.69 for the EBPC, 17.53 % ± 0.37 for the EPA and 11.84 % ± 0.23 for the GRA. The methylxanthine contents were 6.93 % ± 0.11 for the DV, 28.01 % ± 0.71 for the EBPC, 34.95 % ± 0.99 for the EPA and 25.88 % ± 0.12 for the GRA. Preliminary technological tests of the granulated form (GRA) showed that the marker substances were easily released, and that this form is suitable for packaging or compressing.
Keywords: Granules, Methylxanthines, Paullinia cupana, Quality control of extracts, Total polyphenols
Dissertation PDF: Maria Inez Pelozo
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