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2010 - Andressa Blainski

MSc. Thesis

Author: Andressa Blainski

Postgraduate Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences - State University of Maringá

Area of Knowledge: Pharmacognosy

Date of Defense: February 08, 2010

Advisor: Prof. Dr.  João Carlos Palazzo de Mello

Examination Board:  Prof. Dra. Eneri Vieira de Souza Leite Mello

                             Prof. Dra. Gisely Cristiny Lopes


Title: Pharmacognostic studies, development of analytical methodology, hormonal activity, acute toxicity and mutagenicity in vivo Limonium brasiliense (Boiss.) Kuntze (Plumbaginaceae) - Baicuru

Abstract: Limonium brasiliense (Boiss.) Kuntze (Plumbaginaceae), known as baicuru, is a common Brazilian south coast plant that is also commonly found near the Prata River region. The roots are specially used at the treatment of premenstrual syndrome, menstrual disturb and genito-urinary infections. Studies report the presence of a large concentrations of phenols substances, tannins and flavonoids at the Limonium genus. The presence of these substances is related to a large number of biological activity, such as antileishmanial, trypanomacidal, antimalarial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antitumor, antibacterial and inseticide. Although the L. brasiliense has a large popular use and has been used as materia prima in, at least, eight industrial pharmaceutical forms, the works are little and insufficient to characterize a plant drug and assure the use and the effective treatment. This work shows possible the stablishment of physico-chemical characterization criteria and standartization of extract of the roots of L. brasiliense; It was evaluated the hormonal activity of crude extract of L. brasiliense in immature rats and, it was observed antiestrogenic or progesteronic-like activity.The acute toxicity did not anatomic exchange and relative weight in organs (heart, lung, spleen, kidneys, liver); the LD  was 4,8 g/kg.  Also, the validation of the method to 50 determine the content of polyphenols, by Folin-Ciocalteu reaction, of the crude extract of L. brasiliense, showed that methodology complies with the analytical application demands and to secure the reliability of the results. However, the determination of the tannins content was difficult because low selectivity/specificity of method.

Keywords: Limonium brasiliense, baicuru, polyphenol substances, analytical validation, hormonal activity, toxicological studies.



Dissertation PDF: Andressa Blainski 


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